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November 2010

Staines! What a lovely town, Staines Town FC! What a lovely team, Wheatsheaf Park! What a lovely arena. And all those STFC supporters! What a lovely bunch of people.

Back in Sweden, the trip to Staines began to sink in. I remember the early breakfast at the Times Lodge Hotel, overlooking the tranquillity of River Thames and the young men and women of the Staines Boat Club having an early exercise in the chilling November weather. I remember the promenade from the central area of the town, to the arena with the help of a minutely penned down map, made by one of all these wonderful STFC fans.

I remember the lunch at The Wheatsheaf & Pigeon; the heat from the fireside and the cold freshness of the local ales.

When we arrived at Wheatshef Park, we were all met by the lovely Angie, and a lot of nice people. We grabbed the Matchday Magazine and read the nice presentation of us four visitors.

And the game! What a game! And the Swans, what a team! Are all the Games in the Blue Square South like this? Then we are going to ask the local television companies to broadcast at least one ore two games a week. Eight goals, two by penalties, and the Swans almost beating the top team Braintree. With pride I watched Goran present the Man of the Match – Richard Butler. After the game, when we relaxed in the bar at the Wheatsheaf Park-complex, there were a lot to discuss, and again, we met a lot of nice STFC supporters, sharing the love of football. These are all nice and warming memories in the freezing Swedish winter. But Wheatsheaf Park and the Swans will be more than memories. We’ll be back on Wheatsheaf Park soon, and help you all to cheer on the Swans.

See you! Peter 



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